I AM writing to let readers know about a wonderful course which is starting very soon.

It is called the Expert Patient Programme and it is free to anyone suffering long-term physical ill-health.

The volunteer tutors are all fellow sufferers, and it is all about coping better with your illness, rebuilding self-confidence, and feeling more positive about your life.

It is not rocket science, it is quite simple to follow, and it has turned my life around.

I have had poor health and mobility problems for 23 years, since being injured in a road accident, and I had just about given up hope of every enjoying life again.

Since doing the Expert Patient Programme, and witnessing the positive benefits it brings to so many chronically sick people, I am now training as a tutor for the course myself.

I cannot recommend it highly enough, but if readers want to know more or reserve a place, then they should ring 01562 826329 and ask for Paul Lynn.


