RESIDENTS in Droitwich who have failed to return electoral registration forms are being accused of needlessly costing taxpayers thousands of pounds.

Wychavon District Council has spent £7,500 sending out reminders to residents to return their forms, which entitle them to vote.

The council estimates that about 13,000 forms are still outstanding after being posted to every home in the district in September.

"Residents are always concerned with keeping council taxes down," said democratic services manager Amanda de Warr.

"If more people let us have this information, the fewer reminders we have to send out which means the council and our taxpayers will not be hit in the pocket."

The forms ask residents to check their details and if they are correct they can let the council know via phone, on its website or by returning the form.

If details need altering completed forms must be sent back by post or dropped off at Evesham and Droitwich One Stop shops or Pershore's Civic Centre.

For more information contact the democratic services team on 01386 565162 or log on to