FOR all you Jim Carey fans out there who, like me, have been disappointed with his films of late - your prayers have been answered.

Bruce Almighty is his best work since Dumb and Dumber and Ace Ventura. Yes, the rubber-faced madman is on back top form.

He plays TV reporter Bruce Nolan who is in one hell of a mess. He has lost his job, smashed his car, been beaten up by a gang from the hood and he's blaming it all on God!

Before he knows what has hit him he is given all the powers of the big man upstairs, from toilet training his dog to causing meteors to crash from the sky.

He is soon back in business, he gets his job back in TV along with the title Mr Exclusive, a brand new super car and to top it all his wife's got bigger boobs!

The trouble is he has taken on more than he can handle and he's in more of a mess than before.

This is a very enjoyable film sprinkled with hilarity throughout, but be warned - prepare yourself for some serious face-ache caused by over-use of chuckle muscles. MW