I would like to respond to Eric Jones' letter in the Journal on September 30th.

As a responsible dog owner I do take the points raised, however how does Mr Jones think licences will be policed as it is exactly the type of owner who would not bother to get a licence that lets their dogs foul the pavements and open areas without a thought to others. Hardly fair on us responsible dog owners.

I live in Church Street and the problem around here is not the dogs but the rubbish left by the so-called intelligent two legged species. There must be a sample from every take away in Waterside and Port Street, with rubbish thrown everywhere stretching into Church Street and congregating in the old St Peters Church Yard for which the local councils do receive revenue yet they still cannot keep the area clean.

What we need is for people to stop and think of others, get the schools to teach our children some life skills and to see the police patrolling our streets and bringing self respect and respect for others back to our society.

Rob Langstone, Church Street, Evesham.