VILLAGE VOICES: The team asked by the parish council to undertake a Village Appraisal in 2001, has continued its work by forwarding the information gathered and alerting those in authorities to the need for action, or working with them to find a solution.

Correspondence with Warwickshire Police has raised the concern of local residents about the loss of the Community Beat Officer. The response has been that in addition to several district-wide initiatives, the Community Policing team that covers Wellesbourne will be receiving a sergeant for a trial period of six months to evaluate the need for such a role. Together with the district teams, this should enhance the level of policing in Wellesbourne. The Community Beat Officer post recently vacated will also be filled shortly.

Agreements have been reached by the district council to restrict large-scale development and to include the provision of low-cost starter homes.

A parking survey has been carried out, and the pedestrian crossing, one of the earliest actions supported by the Village Voices, is well used.

Help and facilities for the Brownies was the direct result of an open meeting of Village Voices, and the additional play equipment provided by the parish council on the Mountford Play area was supported by the original survey.