PARISH COUNCIL: Appearance of Pavilion: It was agreed that coun Stephens would look into suitable shrubs to soften the exterior of the pavilion.

Parish Plan: The chairman had approached nearly a dozen people in the village asking them to participate in forming a parish plan, without success. It was agreed that coun Stephens would draft a questionnaire for review by the council.

Floodlighting Church Tower: Coun Mills agreed to attempt to obtain funding as it was felt that the temporary lighting of the church last Christmas was a success.

Pool Gardens: Repairs to the children's cradle swing are to be carried out soon. As recommended by the safety inspectorate, it was agreed that the hedge around the gardens should be reduced to about four feet.

Bus Stop - Northern Travel Direction: Following an on-site meeting with WCC staff and consultants, First Bus Company, union representative and local users it was agreed that a bus stop sign should to be erected near the road between the butcher's shop and the monastery.

The Pound: Coun Anderson and the clerk are to liaise over the renting out of the Pound.

Village Hall Committee: Coun Stephens reported that there would be one final attempt during October to solve the problem of lack of active representatives on the committee.

District Councillor's Reports: WDC Coun Meikle reported that the WDC were going to ascertain the electorate's views on budget preferences. He also mentioned the possibility of rates on second homes and decriminalisation of parking and fuller enforcement.

Lighting: The antique light removed from south of the railway bridge was to be reinstated. It was agreed that the light outside the church should be replaced with a more suitable one in line with budgetary availability within the replacement programme.

Footpath: The Probation Service was to return to cut the Porter's Path. It was also agreed to install two new stiles near the golf course meadow.

Recreation Field Fence: Network Rail was planning to repair this fence by April 2005.

Donated Seat: A seat had been donated by Mr Raj and installed on the Rectory Green.

Next Meeting: Monday, October 18 at 7.30pm in the Sports Pavilion.