LAST week saw the latest production from the Latham School of Dance at the Palace Theatre.

Once again we were treated to a wonderful display of colourful song and dance from members of the school, whose ages range from three to 20. It was a pleasure to see so many youngsters working together with such obvious enjoyment to demonstrate their dancing skills and entertain us all.

The show was loosely themed around the four seasons, with links provided by narratives excellently delivered by younger children. There were memorable dance routines throughout.

The 'babes' of the school gave an amusing rendition of Chick Chick Chicken and senior dancers 'got rhythm' into their spring cleaning with an original performance.

Summer holidays brought some lively tap dancing with a Spanish theme and traditional Irish dance with a polished performance from soloist Nicola Webb.

The second half of the show moved into autumn and winter with memorable tap routines danced to old favourites such as Winter Wonderland and Where Did My Snowman Go?

Senior dancers brought the show to a climax, dancing "en pointe" to music from Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake with a show-stopping performance of the Dance of the Little Swans by Rachel Hensey, Nicola Kelly and Lauren Craner.

An appropriate end to an excellent show. Well done to all concerned. AC