DEAR EDITOR - Through your columns I would like to thank very much those of our community volunteers and members of our Neighbourhood Watch, who turned out on a rather wet morning on September 18 and made a huge difference to our village environment by removing litter from our parks and streets.

In particular, I want to single out our local Air Force Cadets, some of whom are taking the Duke of Edinburgh Award and who did a magnificent job and relished it with enthusiasm. This is the second time this year they've done this. Well done lads!

Another person I want to mention, though I know he likes to lead by example, is our local minister, Reverend Ian Ring, who also gave prior notice of our event in the Beacon Church's newsletter. Thank you once again Ian.

Lastly, thanks to Bromsgrove District Council for providing all the materials essential for the day.

Dave McGrath, Chair, Rubery

Neighbourhood Watch,

Cleves Drive, Rubery.