DEAR EDITOR - On behalf of my wife and neighbours may I take this opportunity to thank you, Bromsgrove Council, for the glorious mess you have made of the recently introduced refuse collection.

In particular I commend you for only collecting household waste every two weeks. I have a freezer, which now contains chicken carcasses and other raw animal waste products that have to be frozen as they smell when left in a bin for two weeks. I have lost all access to the side of my house as your silly Darleks block it totally.

I have two teenage sons who will happily eat a horse and drink liquids like fish. Collecting this every two weeks is not just daft, it is negligent.

How are you going to re-cycle the extra electricity I am using, the extra water I am using washing tins out for you and the extra petrol used on additional trips to the tip!

Can I also thank you for not collecting the plastic and paper boxes on our small estate last Thursday - it was wonderful when your chaps turned up the following day and we returned to normal life and lost that, rather charming, industrial estate feel. (rather like the town centre).

Still must let you go as you are no doubt, calculating the community charge reduction as the result of all the cash coming from re-cycled aluminium and plastic.

Regards, A Voter.