DEAR EDITOR - Your recent reader's letter Foxes Are Vermin Not Fluffy Animals sums up the arguments admirably. Foxes are pests and this must be the only country in the world that disagrees! And not for the foxes' welfare.

How many so-called fox lovers eat fish? Trawler fishing is perhaps the largest and cruellest form of animal slaughter.

Millions of fish, and dolphins and porpoise among them, are every day dumped on decks and left to die an agonising death which sometimes takes a considerable time.

Deep sea fishing for sharks , most of which are harmless, swordfish etc, is even worse. Every week many dolphins and porpoises are washed ashore in Britain - all attributed to trawler fishing.

The day following the hunting ban, the Labour Minister of Fisheries announces that (in spite of RSPB protests) it was going to cull 20,000 cormorant birds as they were affecting river and lake fishing! Not a word from our normally vociferous ruling party!

Name and Address Withheld.