DANNY McDonnell could be out until Christmas after it was revealed yesterday that he suffered three broken ribs and a punctured lung during Worcester City's FA Cup defeat to Cambridge.

It was first thought that the 31-year-old goalkeeper had cracked his ribs, similar to the injury he sustained in the Nationwide North league fixture at Hucknall Town earlier this season.

But X-rays showed there to be a more serious break to his ribs, which means McDonnell is likely to be out of action for two to three months.

McDonnell has been detained in Worcestershire Royal Hospital for the last three nights following the crunching first-half collision with City captain Carl Heeley.

The pair clashed with each other in the 19th minute of the cup tie in an attempt to clear a cross. McDonnell stayed on until half-time when he was whisked by ambulance to hospital.

City's assistant manager John Snape said the injury was a huge blow for the club.

Snape said: "Danny cracked two ribs last time but now we've found out he's broken three ribs and punctured his lung again. He's been in hospital since Saturday night and it could be today or tomorrow when he is allowed back home depending on the doctor's advice.

"He was out for nearly five weeks after his last injury but we fear he will now be out for much longer. It's a massive blow because Danny is such an important player for us. He is like a goalscoring centre forward to us, he keeps us in so many games.

"It was a very innocuous challenge with Carl that set it off. In hindsight we should have brought him off straight away. He was coughing up blood at half-time and needed to be taken to the hospital at half-time."

Heeley added: "I feel quite bad about it and personally, I feel partly to blame for Danny's injury. I was looking at the ball when we collided into each other. It is a massive, massive blow. I feel very, very sorry for what happened."

The club has sent out an SOS call to goalkeeper Aaron Kerr for Friday night's crucial league clash with leaders Alfreton Town at St George's Lane.

Kerr, a former Northern Ireland U21 international, stood in for McDonnell following his previous injury and made seven appearances.