WORLD famous horse whisperer Dan Franklin is holding a special clinic in Worcestershire as part of his latest world tour.

Dan teaches equine communication skills through demonstrations, corporate seminars and a unique "special needs" programme across the world.

Although he is based in British Columbia, Canada, Dan now spends at least four months a year abroad, as demand for this special type of intuitive language continues to grow.

Dan has been observing equine behaviour for 27 years and says the special kind of communication between humans and horses is a skill that can be learned by just about anyone.

Although most of his international work is done in England, Mexico and Hawaii, Dan's work with horses has been featured on the BBC, ITV and he has been interviewed live on some of the UK's major radio stations.

"I travel across the world educating people in horse language," explained Dan, when I caught up with him on the British leg of his world tour.

"This has not been an easy task as people are always looking for a traditional way, but that is our language, not the horse's. We, as people, must be willing to enter the language of the horse to find a softer way, a better feel, an understanding built on respect and love.

"My journey in life is to educate people who are ready to feel this bond of love and respect, and to release their own emotional restrictions which modern life has imposed upon us. "Only then will the journey continue through this life to make all horses safer and comfortable within their own language."

Dan's love for horses started when he was just eight years old, when his grandmother told him stories about her life and love for the animals and how she used to ride her faithful steed to school each day.

When he was 12, Dan started a paper round and passed a thoroughbred breeding farm each day. He loved watching the horses in the paddocks, playing at liberty in the fields. One day, the owner of the property came up behind him in a car and asked Dan what he was doing.

" I thought I was in trouble and told the owner I was fascinated with the horses. To my amazement he asked me if I would like a closer look," Dan recalled.

"I was fascinated by their sheer presence. The owner introduced me to each and every one of them. At that time I was thinking "boy wouldn't it be wonderful to work in this place".

"We continued through the end of the barn and out into two large fields which held another 25 horses. I remember watching in amazement as they moved and played with each other in the fields. In a very short time, I noticed who the boss of the herd was, and who was the lowest in the pecking order.

"As we walked back towards his house, the owner turned to me and said "so you really do love horses !" and asked me if I would like to work for him at weekends. I can still remember the feeling of excitement and asked him when I could start."

Dan started by mucking out the stables and observing the gentle owner handle his beautiful horses.

He did not know it at the time, but the owner was to have a huge impact on Dan's life and, during the five years he worked there, Dan learnt a foundation that he teaches to his students all over the world. It is a foundation built on love, trust and respect, along with gentleness and good common sense.

After Dan married and had two children, he bought a little ranch in northern British Columbia, Canada, and then came his first horse, a beautiful chestnut Arabian stud colt.

"I still have this beautiful horse who is now 21 years of age, and he is still teaching children and adults alike about his language," said Dan.

Dan is holding an all-day workshop at Meadowsweet Livery, Yew Tree House, Storridge, Worcestershire, on Saturday, June 5, for students who wish to learn this language.

For more details contact 01332 280563, or 07929917418, or go to www.equine-communication.


Speech therapy: How whispering worked for this angry young mare

A FEW years ago, a beautiful Palomino mare was brought to Dan to sort out. She had a few "aggressive problems" such as biting and kicking and had no respect for humans. Here is how he remembers forging a relationship with this very angry horse...

This beautiful little mare had already been to all sorts of trainers in the country.

Right away I was cautious. I told the owners it would take a minimum of 90 days to sort her out. First of all, I had to find out where the problem was. She told me in a very short time it was people!

I took her into the round pen and told her through my mind, intuitively, that I would not harm her and that I would show her games I would like her to play.

She immediately charged me and said, I do not want to play any of your games or anybody else's either. I am very angry, leave me alone!

I said to her, 'it's okay, I will just be with you until you feel safe.'

I sat down in the centre of my 75ft round pen and she stayed as far away from me as she could possibly get. I had already made up my mind I was going to stay there as long as it took to earn her respect.

More than four hours later, her curiosity was getting the better of her. She started walking towards me and stopped about 25 feet away. I just kept talking to her through my power of thought, telling her 'I will take direction from you, just show me the way. All I want you to do is feel safe with me and I won't leave you until you feel safe and comfortable'.

Within the next 10 minutes, a lot happened. She walked up to me cautiously and stopped a foot away from my body. She was still very cautious. I just sat there and waited.

Within the next three minutes I heard her let out a big sigh and her head dropped down to the ground. I just sat there a moment, feeling her energy and the love that this horse had inside of her that had been mistaken for disrespect, anger and confusion.

From that moment forward, we had both built a safety zone for each other within her language. I remember the magical feeling I had at this time and from that day forward, she all of a sudden felt safe.

I could ask her to do anything and she would respond, it was amazing! I suddenly felt like I knew nothing about training horses, but what I did learn from this little mare was the feeling of love, safety and respect.

She became one of my best teachers.

Within the next three months, Dan did all sorts of things with her, from hacking out to going over jumps. He knew that if he listened carefully to her she would show him a way to play with him in a language she understood from her point of view.

She left my barn four months later, and her owner still rides her all over the country with no problems at all," said Dan.

This beautiful little mare taught me there was a different way, the way of the horse.