TOMORROW (Saturday), we have another ceilidh organised by Richard and Olivia Hunt, who will be playing with The Aston Band in the hall starting at 7.30pm.

This was a very lively event last year and tomorrow is sure to be the same. Tickets are £5, £3 for a child or £15 for a family ticket and supper is provided. Numbers are limited, so if you would like to come, please reserve your places by contacting Olivia Hunt on (01531) 633583.

The recent spring fair was again very successful and about £270 was raised for hall funds. The garden club and church stalls both did well. Last Tuesday, the Wellington Heath Bridge Club held a bridge drive and raised the wonderful sum of £400 in aid of St Michael's Hospice.

Both events were great team efforts and grateful thanks go to all those who contributed in any way.

Also on Saturday at the hall, a new taster activity, short mat bowls, took place. Seventeen people took park in what all agreed was a most enjoyable afternoon, with the leadership of George Deacon and members of the Dymock club.

It is hoped that further sessions will be organised and anyone who is interested should telephone the hall chairman on (01531) 633475.

There will be a parish meeting in the hall on May 25 at 7.30pm. As usual, all parishioners are welcome as the topics under debate affect everyone.

These include a presentation by Herefordshire Council, roads in the parish and discussion of a parish plan.