IT was skittles night in April, so the club forsook its usual meeting place of the Old Library and met instead at the British Legion Club in Droitwich Spa, where members gathered for a friendly but nevertheless competitive evening of beer and skittles.

The main event was "battle of the sexes." With most members only playing skittles once a year, plus several bad backs being blamed for poor performances, there was plenty of wayward bowling but thanks, in part, to top scorer Steve Darton, the men proved victorious. Top scorer for the ladies' team was Lesley Rees. The club meets on the third Wednesday of each month in the Old Library building, in Ombersley Street, Droitwich Spa, starting at 8pm and is always on the lookout for people who have an interest in wine making or who just want to expand their social life. For further information, call Mike Martin on 01905 778 505 or email