AFTER thanking Mrs Denning for the pretty flower arrangement and reminding us that the minutes from last month's meeting were, as promised, on show for all to read, the president reported on the many events of the month.

The group outing to Denman College was favoured with good weather, and everyone enjoyed the guided tours of the subject rooms and of the gardens. They were served a delicious meal, and many felt a course of lectures in such a pleasant place would be highly beneficial.

The bluebells in Cofton Hackett Woods were at their delightful best when a walk was arranged in April. On Bank Holiday Monday, we held a very successful spring fair, in Burcot Village Hall, to which many members contributed goods for the cake, home crafts, bric-a-brac, white elephant and book stalls, and also manned said stalls. Two ladies selling their own crafts were also pleased with their sales. Mrs Mason won the prize for the most points in the monthly competitions. The subject for the calendar for 2006 will be Worcestershire Gateways, which should be a pleasant occupation for photographers!

The visits to Blenheim Palace and the ballet to see La Fille-mal-Gardee, are both fully booked, but the trip to the London Eye is still being arranged. The meeting ended with a lively discussion of three resolutions put forward by members of the WI from all parts of the country. The results were: the banning of GM crops - only two votes against, on the trafficking of women and children for whatever reason - a unanimous vote against, and for passing the support of the Air Ambulance Services over to the Government - a unanimous veto.

Our next meeting will be on June 9 when the speakers will be Mr and Mrs Such on Dance Bands of the 1930s.

The competition will be a record or a piece of sheet music of the same period. Ladies who are not WI members will be warmly welcomed.