NINETEEN-eighty-four has come and gone but Big Brother has stayed with us!

This Labour Government has decided, in its quest to attain its own targets for urban sprawl, to set its sights on snatching a beautiful piece of our unspoiled countryside, with its natural fauna and flora, and dumping it into their giant building pot.

I refer to the area of land south of Trotshill Lane known as Mabs Orchard which the Government Inspector wants to release for building land from 2006.

In the past, there has been strong cross-party agreement to protect our Greenbelt as it is so fragile. But has Councillor Geoff Williams already hinted at the Labour Party's direction when he said that in the past the refusal to build on the Bath Road storage depot made it more difficult to resist pressure to develop our scarce greenfield sites (You Say, Wednesday, March 31).

However his colleague, Coun Paul Denham pointed out that planning decisions are not politically led (You Say, Thursday, April 1) - so this cannot be the case.

The removal of Mabs Orchard from the Greenbelt will benefit only the building consortium to make large profits from it and the Labour Government's ridiculous building targets with only more concrete going to the people of Worcester.

I ask, therefore, that Two Jags stays with his cars and leaves the bulldozers at home as there is no room for them in the green countryside of Mabs Orchard.


Heron Grange, Worcester.