A GROUP giving young people a say in local affairs is a step closer to being formed.

The Malvern Hills Young People's Forum was originally proposed when the new district council was elected last May.

A provisional group of teenage representatives from the district's five stae secondary schools - The Chase, Dyson Perrins, Martley, Hanley Castle and Tenbury High - has held three informal meetings since October.

At the latest meeting, on Monday night at County Hall, Worcester, the group discussed holding elections to decide the final make-up of the forum.

It was agreed that members would hold office for two years and that each school would elect its own representative through internal voting.

Students from private schools and local people studying at Worcester College of Technology will also be involved.

The final details of the election processes will be discussed at the next meeting of the group on Sunday, May 9, at Priory Lodge Hall.

Malvern Hills District Council leader Tom Wells attended the meeting on Monday. He said: "We want to find ways of doing things that the youngsters want, not what we tell them.

"We anticipate that the forum will help the district council to make decisions on a range of issues that matter to young people."

The district council is covering the running costs of the forum and will provide secretarial and administrative support.

The forum will also be allocated £10,000 from the council's £20,000 community grants scheme fund to spend on youth projects.

Coun Wells said: "This money has been earmarked for young people's projects, so it makes sense that the young people's council has a say on how it should be spent."