Had it not been the date on the front of your august periodical being April 9, I could have sworn the article on Lidl, contained on page three, was an elaborate April Fool's hoax perpetrated by the interviewees.

Loss of parking spaces? Road alterations? Loss of amenities? Surely it was National Ground-hog Day instead?

With the proposed supermarket being German owned, the only thing missing was someone asking: "Who won the war anyway?".

Considering the very same, though in that case well-founded, objections were aimed at the Waitrose proposals, I would suggest the objectors have no chance of succeeding with their much less well founded arguments.

Now, produce a petition that will prevent shop owners parking on double yellow lines for prolonged periods when not loading or unloading, causing chaos at the traffic lights; prevent car owners from parking half on/half off the pavement while "popping into" the shops; and exclude lorries from taking up three car parking spaces while dining at the caf and I will be first to sign it. No doubt along with many, many more who would welcome Lidl to offer a greater, affordable choice.

Terry Ford, Clerkenwell Crescent, Malvern.

l Tom Falcon, who got together a petition against a previous plan by Lidl for the Worcester Road site in 2001.