FIREFIGHTERS came to the rescue of two ducklings after they crossed a busy Worcester road before becoming trapped in a drain.

Workers at the HA Fox Jaguar Centre watched a mother duck and her 12 offspring bringing traffic to a standstill as they casually waddled across City Walls Road at 10am yesterday.

But their bemusement turned to horror as two of the ducklings fEll down the grille - and the rest of the family wandered off without them.

"We see them crossing the road every year, making their way to the nearby canal," said HA Fox worker Linda Hopcutt.

"We couldn't believe it when we noticed two fall down the drain and the mother and siblings carried on without them.

"We had no idea what to do, so we called the RSPCA and, the next thing we knew, the fire service were here."

Leading firefighter Dave Haimes, of Worcester's White watch, led the rescue operation.

"It was very simple. We just lifted the drain grille with a crowbar and pulled them out," he said.

"They were a bit muddy but, apart from that, they didn't seem at all distressed and were chirping away."

Ms Hopcutt and her colleagues then put the lost twosome in a box and took them to the canal where they were reunited with their mum and siblings.

"We're really grateful to the fire service. They were definitely the ducklings' heroes!" she added.

"We were glad to reunite them with their mother because, if it had reached night time they would have become very cold. I'm delighted it all finished with a happy ending!"