WHAT kind of adults will be produced by such a philosophy? asks the Phillpott File (Monday, March 22).

Our present problems are all down to the 1960s when immorality, free love and an "I'm all right Jack" philosophy prevailed.

That was 40 years ago - but we are now reaping what we have sown in the form of yobbish behaviour.

As handed down from grandparents to parents the philosophy is passed on - but now it's becoming worse.

When will people understand that there's no such thing as yobbish children, only yobbish parents. The first step of education starts in the home, not in the school.

Parents are the sole custodians and guardians of their children. If they are not up to the job, the children should be taken away and the parents sent to boot camps and taught how to rear (not drag up) their offspring in the proper manner.

