WORCESTERSHIRE'S Graeme Hick has vowed to fight to get his England Test place back.

The New Road master batsman, who has been left out by England on ten previous occasions, is again captaining the County after failing to be given an ECB central contract for this summer.

His main aim, however, is to make a major impression during the season in a bid to force his way back into contention.

He said: "I'm only 34, I'm fit and still see a lot of cricket ahead of me. But, obviously, it's up to me to make sure my name is in the hat.

"It always has been, it's the way selection and cricket goes. I've got a job here at Worcester to do and I've got other goals beyond that."

Hick, however, admits his failure to be given an England contract did not particularly surprise him.

He said: "I hadn't had a good winter. We had done well as a side, but for me personally it certainly wasn't the best winter. If you don't get runs and you don't perform you don't expect too much."

As far as combining his role as County skipper with the desire to play for England again, he said: "For me personally I would still want to be playing Test cricket which is not necessarily an ideal situation for the club.

"If that happens the club can re-address the situation, but at the moment I'm here to do this role."