THE Friends of Worcestershire cricket committee raised more than £100,000 during their Flood Relief Appeal last year.

Appeal Committee chairman Peter Jewell handed over a cheque for £102,000 yesterday to the County's chairman John Elliott.

Jewell said: "When I originally offered to help the club raise funds to offset the cost of last winter's floods, I never thought we could raise this amount.

"It is a tribute to all my colleagues on the Appeal Committee who have put in so much time and effort over the last 12 months."

Elliott said: "The club owes Peter and his committee colleagues, together with all the volunteers who helped and those who made donations, a huge vote of thanks for their efforts in raising this sum." The money has not only helped to cover the damage of last year's record floods, but is also being used to minimise future costs by allowing the installation of a number of measures to protect some areas of New Road.

Kinder weather so far this winter has enabled the County to spend more time on the square which has ensured a strong growth of grass which, it is hoped, will lead to an improvement in the quality of pitches.

In addition a new ring drain has been installed around the square to allow water to disperse more quickly.

4 Appeal chairman Peter Jewell (left) is pictured above handing over the £102,000 cheque to County chairman John Elliott.