I READ the letter by Simon Roberts (Your Letters, February 20) with amused disbelief.

A far more serious problem, caused totally by the human population, is the amount of discarded cans, paper waste and general litter that desecrate pavements, parks and verges of our beautiful town.

The latter part of Mr Roberts' letter made me extremely angry!

While he may have a point about dog registration, he has absolutely no right to criticise the local primary school for supporting the Animal Rescue Shelter.

What better way to educate youngsters about the responsibilities of owning a pet. Well done Somers Park Avenue School!

The Animal Rescue Shelter does a fantastic job in caring for and re-homing abandoned dogs.

The staff there work extremely hard for minimal financial reward. They provide for every aspect of a dog's life, both physical and psychological. They also have to assess prospective new owners carefully and be there for the group of volunteers who help exercise the dogs, of which I am one.

I would like to say thank you to the Malvern Gazette for publishing photos of these dogs. It draws attention to their plight and offers re-homing opportunities.

ANNE WATSON, Cockshot Road, Malvern.