WE are writing in response to a letter (Your Letters, February 20) in which Simon Roberts criticised the fundraising which our school council has organised to support abandoned dogs at the Worcestershire Animal Sanctuary.

Mr Roberts states that there are more deserving causes in the world. We recognise that there are lots of deserving causes in the world, indeed Mr Roberts may be interested to know that we have recently organised a jumble sale to raise funds for children with severe learning difficulties

However, we believe that supporting abandoned dogs is also a worthy cause. It gives us great satisfaction to know that we are giving food to animals who have been mistreated by humans in the past. It shows the animals that human beings can be kind as well.

We agree with Mr Roberts that owners should not allow dogs to foul public places. School fields suffer from such irresponsible owners. It is not the fault of the dogs, it is the owners!

I hope people recognise why we feel the need to raise money to help abandoned animals. I hope people can support us rather than criticise.

THE PUPILS, Somers Park School Council, Malvern