POWICK residents are concerned at plans to open a nursery in the village, fearing it will increase traffic congestion.

Plans have been submitted by agents John Hallam Associates for the change of use of 54 Malvern Road into a nursery, which could include five parking spaces and places for up to 30 children.

Neighbours fear the scheme could lead to increased traffic on the busy road and have submitted several letters of objection and a petition signed by 18 people to Malvern Hills District Council.

Jim McGregor, who lives at number 68, said in a letter to MHDC: "The very busy Malvern Road often has a queue of traffic waiting to turn into the school cul-de-sac at peak times. There have already been several minor collisions, probably unreported, and with so many children about, this looks like an accident waiting to happen."

West Worcestershire MP Sir Michael Spicer has backed residents, after visiting the site last Friday.

He said: "I was able to see for myself the heavy build-up of traffic while parents collected their children from the primary school and the pre-school classes at the village hall. There are also major problems associated with the fact that there is only one exit to the A449."

Sir Michael later wrote to Richard Wigginton, director of environmental services at Worcestershire County Council, and urged him to advise MHDC on the plans.

He added: "I was surprised to learn that neither Malvern Hills District Council nor the Highways Authority consider that road safety is a relevant issue in this context. My own view is that it is."