THE last stamp was licked at North Malvern post office yesterday (Thursday).

After 17 years as postmaster, Bob Davidson has bowed to the forces of change and hung up his rubber stamps.

While the newsagents at the Cowleigh Road premises will remain open for the immediate future, that too will eventually close and the property be converted into a house when Mr Davidson and his wife, Judy, head for retirement in Devon.

The loss to North Malvern will not be too severe, with the next nearest post office being at Lygon Pharmacy in Link Top. However, West Malvern residents may feel the strain, as their own post office closed two years ago. Even the post box from the North Malvern site is to go.

"It's the end of an era," Bob said. "Seventeen years of serving the local people. I am sorry to go but I knew that some offices in Malvern were going to close and as I wasn't on the beaten track I was an obvious candidate."

The post office's single employee, Mrs Anne Jennings, is moving to Lygon Pharmacy.

l Last post: Bob Davidson puts the final letter into the post box at North Malvern.

Picture by Jay Watson. 10078301