Suddenly Last Summer is described as one of Tennessee Williams' finest plays and this Sheffield Theatres production at Malvern Theatres did not disappoint

An opening, unearthly screeching set the tone for very uncomfortable theatre.

Set in 1930s New Orleans, the play focuses on a mother's struggle to come to terms with the death of her beloved son, Sebastian.

As Mrs Venable, Diana Rigg perfectly conveyed the character's obsessive and unnatural relationship with her son, moving seamlessly from tough-talking, gin-soaked grande dame to bitter, malevolent old woman.

She was complemented by Victoria Hamilton as Catherine Holly, Sebastian's cousin and Mrs Venable's rival in his affections.

Ms Hamilton's portrayal of Catherine, who is driven insane by the gruesome nature of Sebastian's death, was outstanding.

Her nervy, restless fidgeting as she was questioned by Doctor Cukrowicz (Mark Bazeley) and her wonderful, wavering, husky Southern accent were impressive, while her recounting of events leading to Sebastian's death had every audience member gripping their seats.

Abigail McKern played Catherine's mother, the breathless and trapped Mrs Holly, to great effect.

This was an excellent and energetic rendition of a very strange, very thought-provoking play.

Suddenly Last Summer plays until tomorrow (Saturday) with performances at 8pm tonight and 2.30pm and 8pm tomorrow in the Festival Theatre. For tickets contact the box office on 01684 892277.

Nione Meakin.