A TEENAGER has brought a taste of her travels to Upton with a collection of photographs currently on show at the town's library.

Huskies, giraffes and pigs are among the animals captured in their natural habitat by 17-year-old Becky O'Keeffe, who works part-time at the library.

Becky, a student at Tewkesbury School, took many of the photographs on a visit to South Africa, both on safari and in an orphanage there.

She recently went skiing where she snapped the huskies.

"I started out taking pictures of the pigs we keep at home and it went from there," she said.

"It's just a hobby but I'd like to continue with it. I might do something in that line at university."

The exhibition opened on Saturday and Becky said there had been a good response from people to her work.

"It seemed to be going down well as a sample of my work," she said.

The exhibition runs until the end of March and admission is free.