A VARIED and very interesting programme was held at the February meeting of Bromsberrow Gardening & Social Club, chaired by Sara-Jane Watkins, with an horticultural picture quiz organised by Graham and Jean Vaughan. There was a large number of entries by members who had designed Valentine gifts and cards in the monthly competition. The winner was Mrs Greatwood for her original and floral Valentine card.

During gardeners' question time, David Myers focused on the monthly activities in the garden and the mild and early spring.

Good wishes were sent to Liz Simnett, secretary and Richard Long in hospital. Next meeting: Thursday at 7.30pm in Bromesberrow Village Hall. A talk will be given by the Woodland Trust and the monthly competition is for the best spring flower basket.

A service of matins will be held at St Mary's Church, Bromesberrow on Sunday at 10am.