SHOPKEEPERS in Droitwich are being asked to put their differences behind them at a meeting to discuss the future of the town's High Street.

Droitwich Spa Association for Retail, Tourism and Services is encouraging shop owners to get together as work starts on the new Waitrose store.

It is expected the multi-million pound supermarket will bring customers flocking into the town.

But many people feel the High Street is just not ready for the influx.

And so far discussions on its future have ended in bickering.

Now DARTS chairman Richard Brighton feels it is time for a more positive outlook and has organised a meeting for Wednesday, March 24.

"We will be contacting the traders during the next week or so to invite them to this meeting," he said.

"So far any talks on the future of the town have turned into a war of words. We want to look to the future in a positive way.

"We are really concerned about the people who work in the High Street and think they need to be ready for when the Waitrose store opens.

"Hopefully we will be able to come to some sort of agreement on what changes we would like to see and put these to the council.

"I know a lot of people are worried that Waitrose will have a negative impact on their businesses, but they only have to look at Malvern to see that will not be the case. Local firms there have thrived.

"Clearly there will be some disruptions while it is being built, but we have to look beyond that. Now is the time to do something."