A CRIME victim has ended up in court after deciding to defend his home against burglars.

John Bartholomew ordered illegal weapons from abroad to protect himself and his mother after a series of break-ins.

The 25-year-old was so concerned he would be burgled again that he ordered a stun gun, a gas spray and gas canister to defend their house.

But, on Monday, August 4, last year, Customs officers in Dover examined the contents of the parcel addressed to him, then rang police, Peter Parson, prosecuting, told city magistrates yesterday.

Police visited his house in Lydes Road, Malvern, on Thursday, November 6, and arrested him for attempting to obtain illegal weapons.

They found a police CS gas defence canister in the house and searched his computer, but did not find any terrorist connections, said Mr Parson.

"He said that he ordered them from a French company. He claimed he didn't know they were prohibited in the UK and thought he had a right to defend his home."

Richard Wilkes, defending, said Bartholomew had suffered burglaries at various homes and had bought the stun gun out of concern for his mother.

A forensic scientist had confirmed the weapons were non-lethal defence items.

"He didn't realise they were illegal," he added. "He thought they were the safest way of dealing with people without creating any harm to others."

Bartholomew - who admitted one charge of possessing a prohibited weapon, and two of buying a prohibited weapon - was described by Deputy District Judge Roger Lowe as a man of "previous good character" and given a two-year conditional discharge. He was also told to pay £75 costs.