1804: Our Theatre will open tomorrow, and the manager, with that loyalty and liberality for which he has always been distinguished, means to appropriate the entire proceeds of the night to the patriotic fund set up at Lloyd's for the defence of this nation against invasion by France. The manager also announces his intention of introducing several new performers, and more novelties than have ever been presented in any preceding season, and we doubt not that his indefatigable endeavours to gratify the public will be crowned with success.

The Poor of the United Parishes of this city have been most humanely and comfortably provided for during this chill season.

1904: Mr Stanley Baldwin, who will be the next Conservative Member of Parliament for Kidderminster, is the only son of Mr Alfred Baldwin MP and was born at Bewdley in 1867. He is a magistrate for Worcestershire and has been a member of Worcestershire County Council for several years. He is president of the Kidderminster Infirmary. (As we know with the benefit of hindsight, Stanley (later Earl) Baldwin was to be three times Prime Minister of Britain and played a leading role in the Abdication Crisis involving Edward VIII)).

A hay rick at Retreat Farm, Grimley, occupied by Mr William Wainwright, was set on fire on Wednesday, the ignition being due to his grandchildren playing with matches. Deputy Chief Constable Wasley, Pol Sgt Walters and two constables attended the blaze with the Police Fire Engine but, by the time of their arrival, a portion of the rick had been cut away, and only about six or seven tons was destroyed by the flames.

1954: The Rev F.B Darke, Vicar of Defford-cum-Besford, has been appointed to succeed the Rev C.F Walters as Vicar of St Paul's, Worcester. His brother, Mr C. Darke, is Headmaster of St Paul's School, of which both brothers are old boys.

At a private meeting of Worcester City Council on Tuesday, it was decided to invite Councillor Mrs Rosina Ratcliffe, a member of the council since 1946, to be the next Mayor of Worcester in succession to Alderman Dr F.L Spalding.