WHILE applauding our council's opposition to a park-and-ride scheme at Whittington similar schemes are going to be dotted around our city in a futile attempt to "reduce traffic."

The cerebrally-challenged advocates of park-and-ride don't know what they are talking about, and haven't the first clue about how to go about solving problems.

They don't want to know that park-and-ride could only carry a minute proportion of those travelling around our city each day, or that devoting whole roads to park-ride is a waste of resources.

Nor do they want to accept that it is an expensive and utterly pointless Labour "white elephant" that sucks a quarter of a million out of the pockets of Worcester's council taxpayers, every year, for each site built.

The reasons park-and-ride is a disaster are many and varied, but foremost must be the fact that our councillors are adding 500 houses a year, to our city, and hence 500 cars a year to our city's traffic congestion.

Over 20 years that means 10,000 extra cars, and 80,000 extra car journeys a day, on our local roads. That simple logic explains why Worcester now has "traffic congestion;" but the problem isn't "traffic congestion."

It is "housing congestion."

