WORCESTERSHIRE County Council is looking for parents to help them compile a list of nurseries who use real nappies.

The list will be put together with real nappy adviser Mandie Wright.

"The campaign comes after some city parents reported difficulties finding childcare because of their choice to use cloth nappies," she said.

"Some nurseries and carers seem to have the idea that storing the wet nappies is a problem and as a result have encouraged parents to use disposable instead.

"This is certainly not the case and in my experience, once a nursery has seen how much the nappies have moved on from terries and pins they are fine about it.

Helen Smith, nursery manager said parents who have made a choice to use cloth nappies should be encouraged.

"Their choice is helping to reduce the amount of nappies sent to landfill sites," she said.

The cloth-friendly nursery list will be published on the county council's website.

For further information or to name a nursery, call 01905 355798.