THE growth of caravan thefts has prompted West Mercia Police to link up with forces across the country to tackle the problem.

The forces met up during the National Boat, Caravan and Outdoor Show at the NEC in Birmingham to receive information on up-to-the-minute security measures.

Det Con Colin Davies, who is co-ordinating the campaign with West Mercia, said it was essential that police worked closely with members of the caravanning community to take action against the increasing problem.

"Between April and December last year, 98 caravans worth nearly £600,000 were stolen from driveways, storage areas and sites within Herefordshire, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and Worcestershire," he said.

"Nationally, 4,000 such thefts were reported, involving property to the value of £30m."

From the beginning of April 2003, to the end of December 2003, 61 caravans were stolen from Worcestershire.

A spokesman for West Mercia Police said the majority of caravans were being stolen to be sold on, and some were stolen to order.

West Mercia Police is now planning to mount a public awareness and education campaign to help caravan owners play their part in combating thieves.

"The force will also be stepping up activities in checking caravans to establish whether they have been stolen," said Det Con Davies.

He added it was important for the public to report any suspicious activities concerning caravans to the police.

During the meeting last week, force members were given information on the latest security devices to combat thieves, including special locks, alarms, and tracker systems, similar to those installed to pinpoint the locations of stolen cars.