A BANNED driver who gave a false name to police when stopped in Kidderminster has been jailed for three months at Worcester Crown Court.

Ian Ashford revealed his true identity at the police station but had been foolish in not thinking clearly, said his counsel Glyn Samuel.

Ashford, aged 49, of Upper Goldness Mews, Worcester Road, Torton, Hartlebury, near Kidderminster, admitted driving while banned, having no insurance and obstructing police.

He also admitted breach of a conditional discharge imposed in September last year for a public order offence involving a neighbour dispute.

He was disqualified for a further six months.

Ashford was arrested after police noticed him driving erratically on Friday, December 19 last year, said Tim Sapwell, prosecuting.

He admitted giving false details because he was disqualified and the car was not insured.

Mr Sapwell said Ashford had numerous convictions for dishonesty and had first driven while disqualified in 1981.

He was banned again in 1998 for two offences of driving with excess alcohol and was given a 120-hour community punishment order in May 2002 for driving while banned.

At Friday's hearing, Mr Samuel said Ashford had not had a drink since 1998 and had been saving up to take an extended driving test.

He also had a job offer in Birmingham.

But Judge Michael Mott said although courts had been lenient in the past, Ashford had not heeded the warnings.