ADVENTUROUS binman John McBride is preparing for his latest dangerous globe-trotting escapade by visiting Algeria.

The roving refuse collector, who has travelled to some of the world's most dangerous places including Haiti, scene of current troubles, is hoping to spend a few days in the country, which has been subject to an armed insurgency by Islamist groups since 1992.

Some 930 people, including 539 insurgents, were killed in terrorist-related attacks last year.

The Foreign Office has warned people against all holiday and non-essential travel to Algeria, and says the country is "one of a number of countries where there is a continuing threat from terrorism".

But the 59-year-old bin man, affectionately known as Bindiana Jones says he will take it "one day at a time" in the battle-scarred country.

"I shall judge the situation in Algeria day by day. If there is a risk that seems very high, I will have to use my common sense," he said.

He has visited more than 100 countries during the last 22 years.

He has been beaten up in Iran, thrown out of Sri Lanka, and robbed in countless war zones.

In the next few weeks, Mr McBride will be flying to Tunisia, where he will spend three days, before travelling into Algeria during his two-week holiday.

"I'll get off at Algeria and maybe spend a few days there, and travel south, then go to Morocco, and fly back from Morocco" said Mr McBride.

Mr McBride, a refuse collector, driver and loader for Wyre Forest District Council, said people have called him "stupid" for travelling to dangerous countries but he refuses to give up the thrill of his trips.

"I enjoy visiting these hotspots and I aim to do it for some time yet," said Mr McBride, of Chester Road South, Kidderminster.