A MASSIVE haul of stolen goods, including jewellery, driving licences and wallets has been seized in Worcestershire following police investigations.

Police are now looking to reunite victims of thefts with the belongings after more than 100 items were recovered in just one day, including rings, wristwatches, ladies necklaces and cash cards.

Det Chief Insp Martin Lakeman, who is heading the inquiry, said the next phase of the operation was to identify both the property and victims.

"We are systematically re-visiting all known victims to ensure they have remembered everything that was taken when their break-in was reported," he said.

"We would also encourage anyone who believes they may have been the subject of a suspicious incident - and have later discovered property to be missing - to come forward.

''Some, or all, of their property may now be in police possession."

The items are being stored at Worcester's Castle Street police station.

Det Chief Insp Lakeman said co-operation between the public and the police had resulted in the arrest and detention of two men, who have been charged with a series of burglaries across both south and north Worcestershire.

They were arrested at separate county addresses and are being detained.

Det Chief Insp Lakeman appealed to the public to help the police in tracking down burglars.

"We would appeal to the public to continue to report suspicious incidents, he said."

West Mercia police can be contacted on 08457 444888, anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 or through Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators.