THE profession of a Worcester woman hauled before the city magistrates after Christmas exactly 100 years ago is fairly obvious, despite the description of her on the court sheet as being an "unfortunate".

The Journal reported: "Ellen Wilson, alias Arch (27), unfortunate of Ann's Entry, Dolday, was charged with stealing a gent's gold watch and chain and a cigarette case, total value £27, from Albert John Boot while in Ann's Entry on Christmas Eve.

"Mr Boot said he came to Worcester and became the worse for drink at a public house in Newport Street. When he eventually came to himself, he had no collar nor tie on, and his waistcoat, pocket book, gold watch and chain and cigarette box were all missing.

"Eliza Clarke of 4 Court, Newport Street, said she saw the prisoner and Mr Boot go up Ann's Entry between 5.30pm and 6pm on Christmas Eve. Mr Boot later emerged, attired only in shirt and trousers, and complaining about his losses.

"Police witnesses told of the later recovery of Mr Boot's valuables from under the mattress in the prisoner's bedroom. Ellen Wilson had nothing to say in court and pleaded guilty.

"She had eight previous convictions and was sent to prison for four months."