1804: A meeting of the grocers of the City of Worcester was specially convened at the Crown Hotel to consider a letter from the chairman of a committee in Bristol, relevant to an exorbitant charge intended to be made by the sugar refiners for bogsheads of their product. The Worcester grocers resolved unanimously that the proposed charge for packages of sugar is "oppressive in the highest degree" and added that they would "severally co-operate with the committee at Bristol in resisting this innovation."

There will be a visible eclipse of the moon tomorrow evening. It will begin at 44 minutes and 31 seconds after 7 o'clock and end at three minutes and 31 seconds after 10 o'clock.

1904: Citizens who have watched with interest the trial runs of Worcester's new electric tram-cars, will be pleased to hear that the Board of Trade inspection has been fixed for Saturday. If the new system is approved then, the trams will forthwith run for the public convenience. It is also of interest to learn that it is proposed by the City Council to close High Street from Pump Street to the Cross for the purpose of laying lines through to link up the southern suburbs.

Miss Florrie Sparks, barmaid of the Cross Keys, London Road, Worcester, retired to bed at 11.30 p.m on Monday but later went downstairs to the Smoke Room to air some wearing apparel. She is not in the most robust health, and it is supposed that she swooned and fell on the fire. The housekeeper was aroused by her screams and discovered the unfortunate girl lying on the fire. Dr Pollard was at once summonsed and found that Miss Sparks was suffering from very severe burns on the upper part of her body and her face. She was removed to the house of her sister in Wyld's Lane.

1954: "Worcestershire Shivers with Snow and Intense Cold across the County" - On top of the snow, we have been assailed this week with the lowest temperatures for years. Twenty-four degrees of frost were recorded on Wednesday night at the RAF Meteorological Station at Defford.

"First Lady of the Worcester Oddfellows" - Sister Nesta Carter of the City of Worcester Women's Lodge has been elected Provincial Deputy Grand Master of the District. This is the first time during the 114 years of the Oddfellows in Worcester that a woman has achieved this office, and to mark the occasion, a special collarette and medallion have been provided for her to wear.

An 87-year-old Storridge man, who lost the use of his right leg some years ago in an accident on a building site, still puts in a full day's work on the farm. Bill Bannister, of Rose Cottage, Birchwood, daily tends a two-acre smallholding.