MALVERN Library will close later this year for the building of a major extension. But a century ago, big decisions were being made which gave us the library we have today.

It was in 1903 that the town's first Free Library was opened at The Exchange in Graham Road. However, it was clear that it could not stay there for ever. So, Sir Henry Lambert, an important man in the town, offered some land, part of a meadow bordered by Graham Road and Como Road.

"This generous act met with the recognition it deserves and the question was regarded as settled," said the Malvern News. "Next Mr C W Dyson Perrins came upon the scene with £3,000 in order that the building might be worthy of the site and of the town.

"This gift added a new importance to the movement and Sir Henry came to the conclusion that to make the scheme a perfect success, an even larger site than the one he had offered would be necessary. Thus it came to pass that the Library Committee, when they met on Friday last, were able to announce a letter from Sir Henry stating that he would be willing to give the whole field.

"Sir Henry has indeed done very handsomely by the town in this matter."