Country Animals/ Farm Animals/Garden Animals/Pet Animals all by Lucy Cousins (Walker Books, £3.99).

THESE are the sort of books that many parents will pick up in a book shop, glance through its 14 or so board pages and then put down with a snort of derision.

"I'm not paying £3.99 for that... the conversation might run.

"Look, it's got just one picture on each page and the name of the animal. Outrageous."

However, once in the hands of a baby, these books are something completely different. They are books they can read by themselves.

To a baby, this is a major achievement.

The books are small enough to be picked up by little hands and chunky enough not to be torn apart.

The pictures - frog, snake, fox, three in Country Animals, for example - are clear, bold and drawn in Lucy Cousin's eye-catching style.

And Junior will sit there, "read" his or her book and be enthralled. Again and again and again.

The front covers each have small "touch-and-feel" bits, which give them added toddler-appeal and they will become popular additions to your child's library.

Jim Collins