WITH smoke and mirrors, K Hemming attempted to undermine country sports (Evening News, Tuesday, January 20).

Have they forgotten the Prime Minister now only wishes to only ''resolve'' the hunting issue rather than promising a ban?

The Market Research Society launched an investigation following grave concern over how an opinion poll in The Times - that apparently supports a ban - was compiled.

Of the past six major polls by NOP, ICM and YouGov, none show a majority for a ban. No major rural organisations supports one.

The Kennel Club's defiantly against it, and the majority of vets support the continuation of hunting on the grounds of animal welfare.

No Government report over the past 60 years has favoured making any country pursuit a crime. Only 2 per cent of the population believe hunting to be a Government priority.

The fact is most people recognise the case for a ban is founded on prejudice and intolerance.


Worcester Road, Malvern.