SO the Government is threatening to cap the council tax at a modest 4.9 per cent, about twice the inflation rate.

Who do these local councillors think they are fooling? Why should cuts in their budget hit only front line services?

Why should social workers be at risk? Surely there are other less essential services which aren't required by law which could be drastically pruned like an old apple tree or removed altogether.

I'm looking at the council's full-page advert in the telephone directory and would suggest that the following sections are asked to justify their continuing drain on the taxpayer: Cultural and arts service; Record office; Public rights of way; Consumer relations.

Councils should realise that the days when those on fixed incomes will just pay up to keep the peace are over and that there is not enough prison space in the country to house all those who are going to refuse to pay more than an inflation linked hike in council tax.

Come on Dr Lord! It's time to stop scaremongering and take a reality check.

