MALVERN Post Office cribbage team travelled to Reading in the quarter-finals of the Post Office South Central/South Wales & South West team cribbage competition.

Malvern started well winning four of the six singles, but with nine doubles games still to play the match was far from over.

Reading won two of the next three doubles edging a little closer making the score 5-4. Malvern won two of the next three doubles putting the score at 7-5 and with only three games to play, leaving Malvern needing just one game to win but Reading made a fight of it and won the first two doubles making the score all square at 7-7.

The final game was won by Malvern, giving them an 8-7 win.

Malvern will now play Cardiff in the semi-final on Saturday, February 28 in Cardiff.

The winners will play in the final on Saturday, March 27 at Salisbury.