A Malvern scientist is appealing for sponsorship to fund a programme of diving expeditions.

Robin Burrows, a communications engineer at QinetiQ, needs to raise nearly £18,000 towards the cost of training and equipment for a series of underwater wreck searches around the British Isles in 2005.

Mr Burrows, who spent six years building a remotely-controlled vehicle (ROV) to help divers locate underwater treasures, has put together a team of divers from the local area to form the Marine and Archaeologi-cal Survey Team (MAST).

The team will take part in two search expeditions off the south and east coast, to locate 16th Century man-of-war ships, eight downed Second World War aircraft, cargo vessels and fairly modern ships.

Mr Burrows, who has been diving for more than eight years, said: "Almost all kit to be used is to be built by myself or my team, to reduce cost. I am currently finishing off constructing a new ROV, and am about to build a 23ft survey boat and tools for measuring and identifying wreck artefacts.

"I am interested in ex-ploration and documentation as much as historic surveys and hope to build maps and databases for donation to museums and societies free of charge."

Mr Burrows hopes to raise a total of around £30,000 to cover safety equipment, diving and survey equipment, electronic components, transport costs and training fees for the expeditions.

"I have already received a large proportion of this from QinetiQ, but need to find companies or individuals who can contribute to this," said Mr Burrows.

"Donations of funds or equipment would be most appreciated and I can give a list of requirements to anybody wanting to help.

"I am also looking for a small piece of land, around nine metres square, on which to store our vessel in between trips."

Mr Burrows is also available to give slide shows and talks about his experiences.

Anyone wishing to make a donation, or find out more should contact Mr Burrows on 01684 561474 or email RBURROWS@ QinetiQ.com.