Residents are being consulted over the development of a village green by Little Malvern and Welland Parish Council.

The council held a second public meeting on Friday, attended by around 40 residents, as part of its consultation process.

The Countryside Agency has offered a £30,000 grant to help develop the green area, between the village hall and the playing field at Spittlefields.

The council has to raise £3,000 of its own in order to claim the grant but has already been given £2,500 by the agency to develop its ideas.

Chairman Roy Locke said ideas ranged from planting schemes to a water feature or statue.

As well as holding the two public meetings, the council has already distributed a questionnaire.

On Monday, Mr Locke visited Welland Primary School to present prizes to children who had produced their own ideas.

Pupils' ideas included a pond and even a full-sized wooden fort.

Mr Locke said the council would next have to engage a solicitor to formally establish ownership of the land before drawing up final proposals to present to the public by the end of February.

Meanwhile, the council agreed its budget at a meeting on January 19, an increase of around £2,000 to almost £13,000.

Mr Locke said the council would be looking to use the money in order to improve parking facilities and to landscape the new playing field, which will be formally opened on June 19.

The council also approved as a temporary measure proposals for a youth shelter, utilising the bus shelter out of normal running hours.

The shelter would provide a place for young people to meet but Mr Locke acknowledged that there had been concerns from local residents.

"If it's successful we will try and get the money to get them something on one of the two playing fields," he said.