Residents living near a mobile phone mast in Malvern Link have launched two petitions against plans to replace it with a larger structure.

Vodafone has applied for planning permission to swap the 12-metre mast with one of 15 metres, to provide coverage for third generation (3G) mobile phones.

Brian and Dawn Byfield, whose Church Road property backs on to the Vodafone mast, have so far collected 60 signatures on their petition.

They say they are unhappy with the existing mast on health grounds and they believe its replacement will be more powerful.

However, they said they were only notified about the proposals two weeks ago and do not feel there is enough time to react.

The deadline for objections to be received by Malvern Hills District Council is Tuesday.

Mr Byfield said: "The mast is right in the middle of a residential area, very close to two primary schools, as well as the units on the industrial estate with people working in them all day. It's literally metres away from there. It's not right."

Ginny Brookes, whose children attend Malvern Link Primary School, has set up a similar petition for parents at the school.

"I only heard about the mast from a friend at a dinner party," she said. "I told other mums at the school and no one knew it was there in the first place.

"No one has notified us of the plans. I will be getting as many people as possible to sign the petition.

"The mast is only 170 metres from the school, our children are sat in the shadow of it all day. I cannot believe that it's so close to schools and houses. There's so much common land around the area, why can't they put it there?"

The 12-metre mast was installed ten years ago on land at the Malvern Link Industrial Estate.

Vodafone spokesman Jane Frapwell said signals from masts do not cover a large area and need to be close to centres of population.

She explained: "The key point is that we ensure that all of our devices meet international emissions guidelines."

Anyone wishing to sign the petition against the work to the mast should contact Mr and Mrs Byfield at 38 Church Road, Malvern Link before Tuesday.