SWAN Lane First School in Evesham has been given an outstanding report by government education watchdogs.

Following a three-day visit in December, Ofsted inspectors have praised the 315-pupil school for quality of leadership, teaching and academic standards.

The school was also given credit for raising standards across the board, with inspectors particularly impressed that they have risen from year to year at a faster rate than seen nationally.

The inspectors only found three areas that needed some improvement - to provide further challenge to pupils in maths, extend opportunities for children to develop and use their computer skills and make marking give pupils clearer guidance on what they need to do better.

Summarising his report Ofsted inspector Selwyn Ward said: "Swan Lane First is a very good school that caters very well for pupils with a wide range of abilities.

"It is very well run. The teaching is of a consistently high standard and this results in the pupils' very good achievement. The school provides very good value for money."

Headteacher Graham Walker, who was singled out for praise for his leadership, said the school's success was a collective effort. "Our pupils are hard-working, caring and friendly, we have a very supportive governing body, a talented, enthusiastic and committed teaching staff who are well supported by excellent teaching assistants, plus a highly active band of parents and friends."

The inspectors also reported that pupils benefit from a remarkably consistent standard of high-quality teaching throughout the school. "They felt that the school has been innovative in making the curriculum interesting, relevant and fun for pupils. They also commented on the extensive range of extra-curricular activities offered to pupils," added Mr Walker.

Since the report was published the school has been sent a letter of congratulations from Worcestershire's director of educational services Julien Kramer.