I was reassured to see that others (Your Letters, January 23) have my views on the poor execution of the forthcoming kerbside recycling scheme in the Malvern Hills area.

I suspect the majority of residents do not realise the shock they are in for when the scheme is introduced in their area. Personally, I am faced with the inconvenience of two or three additional pedal bins in a small kitchen and the eyesore of a regiment of dustbins or bags in my back garden.

As the local authority should benefit financially from a reduction in disposal charges and the sale of the waste segregated by householders, I expect a zero or minimal increase in my soon to be reviewed Council Tax demand.

If this scheme is to work effectively, it requires a higher degree of application than local worthies waving polythene bags in the air.

MR R W J DEVEREUX, Lime Tree Avenue, Malvern.